Monday 28th February
Ann started teaching today which seemed to be appreciated She spent some time marking this afternoon One of the questions the children had to answer in their booklets was to list animals beginning with each letter of the alphabet. There were some superb answers including Beer, Canal, Forks, Hair, Junior Pig(!), White Aunts, Xylophone!! I’ll leave you to work out what they all were!
Ann marking lesson 1
There has been some encouragement from the hospital today. The baby resuscitated yesterday was crying today and looked much better. The child with pneumococcal meningitis from last week is just about to be discharged. Even so there was a boy of 13 brought in unconscious today who also has pneumococcal meningitis. There does seem to be alot of meningitis here so encouraging the doctors here to be more suspicious and do lumbar puncutres more often is very much on the agenda.
The baby resuscitated yesterday afternoon
The child who had pneumococcal meningitis about to go home